/ Culture - Art and Sports
Hero Athletes of the DPRK (3)
World's Table-Tennis Queen Pak Yong Sun
  In the 1970s a new "comet" appeared in the world table-tennis circles.
  It was Pak Yong Sun from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea with correct judgment, brilliant tactics, confidence that remains firm in any circumstances of matches, and stubborn offensive and defensive techniques.
  She was born in a mountain village in Sakju County of North Phyongan Province in Juche 45(1956). She came to learn table-tennis from a sports teacher of her school.
  After she began her career as a professional table-tennis player, she made persevering efforts to complete her special techniques and further raise her physical ability.
  Written on the first page of her journal were the letters reading; "High goal and long road to go! But when I walk, it will be shortened. When I run, I will reach more quickly. Let's run without letup!"
  At the 33rd World Table-Tennis Championship Pak Yong Sun defeated her rivals with confidence and high techniques and became a world's table-tennis queen in her teens. She took the first place in the 34th World Table-Tennis Championship again and thus became a double world table-tennis champion.

  Afterwards, she participated in a number of international games, fully displaying the honour of the motherland. She also devoted her wisdom and passion to training famous table-tennis players as their coach.
  She was awarded the title of Labour Hero, the highest honour of citizens of the DPRK, in November 1985.
  Her remains are buried at the Patriotic Martyrs Cemetery.