/ Culture - Science and Technology
A Doctor in His 30s Who Startled the Biological Circles
  Doctor and Associate Professor Han Kun Sop, Teacher at the Faculty of Life Science of the University of Sciences, was highly appreciated at the 13th Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction in 2018 and the 2nd Critical Assessment of Protein Intrinsic Disorder Prediction in 2022.

  He was born into a peasant family. He majored in biology at the University of Sciences. During his university days, he got full marks in all subjects including molecular biology, biology information and biochemistry.
  He set a bold target to pioneer a new subject--computational biology--already during his postgraduate course. Afterwards, he buckled down without hesitation to the research into the protein structure prediction, the focus of the world's attention.
  In the course of his constant speculation and conception, programming and hundreds of calculation experiments, which lasted for a long time, he acquired a lot of experience and finally established a method of deciding whether the theoretically predicted protein structural models can be used in the practical research such as medical science and biology or not. For the research findings, he obtained a doctorate in biology in 2017.
  He was not satisfied with the completion of his doctoral thesis but later, continued his speculation and pursuit with an aim to hold the world supremacy in the field of protein structure prediction.
  In those days, he presented excellent results one after another in the critical assessments in 2018 and 2022.
  Recalling that time, Doctor Han Kun Sop said:
  "The 2nd Critical Assessment of Protein Intrinsic Disorder Prediction held between mid-May and late July of 2022 was quite different from the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction in 2018 in content and form. Besides, the period of preparation was not so long. So I had to spend very busy days.
  At that time, however, I wanted to return the favour of the motherland that fostered my great ambition, ideal and courage by making another research findings with a world competitive edge.
  I also wanted to live up to the expectations of my folks at home, and teachers and researchers of the university who were so pleased when I took part in the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction for the first time and was highly estimated there."
  Doctor Han Kun Sop in his 30s, who startled the biological circles twice, is devoting all his patriotic enthusiasm with a great ambition to hold supremacy in the world biological circles.