They Grow into Creative Talents
Kim Chaek University of Technology is putting efforts into training talented personnel of creator type with high faculties of inquiry and practical ability.
These days, the university improves the quality of education through the newly-built Comprehensive Experimental Education Hall.
Here is Kim Hyon Song, Deputy Director of the Comprehensive Experimental Education Hall.
"All the practical trainings can be done here in the Comprehensive Experimental Education Hall, ranging from the mineral prospecting and processing to the fields of metallurgical and mining industries, energy production, information technology, automation and telecommunications. There are also laboratories for development and production of advanced goods as well as experiments and practical training."
The practical education given in the hall is rich in content, coinciding with the characteristics of the university and fully meeting the pedagogical demand.
The laboratories have been equipped with latest facilities including the flexible manufacturing and experimental system and the internet comprehensive experimental setup.
In the laboratories the students learn advanced knowledge of the economic development in the future to prepare themselves as the talented personnel of practician type.
They try to control robot and CNC equipment, make an experiment on the computer integrated manufacture system and handle the equipment in person to understand their performance.
They also conduct practice in the whole process of the steel production including the pig iron production process at the oxygen-blast furnace and the steel production process at the oxygen converter.
In the past the students could experience them only at the production sites concerned, but now they can fully acquire them in modern laboratories.
The university is going to build up sectional experimental education centres at faculties to further strengthen the foundation for practical education.
All the students will grow to be talented personnel of creator type with ample knowledge and high practical ability through the laboratory and practical training.