/ Culture - Education and Public Health
Efforts to Improve Qualifications
  Active efforts are made in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to put the education on an advanced level.
  The Sangsin Junior Middle School in Sosong District of the capital city of Pyongyang is pushing ahead in an effective way with the work to improve the qualifications of the teachers and introduce new teaching methods into education.

  Principal An Song Ae says:
  "These days, our school is actively creating and introducing the method of study based on development, pursuit and discussion. In the past lessons of maths and other natural sciences were given with models or mobile teaching aids made by teachers in many cases. But we are giving lessons to the students so that they can experience while making things by themselves and understand their principles through the experience. The method is very effective."
  Students of the school proved successful at the national school contests held last year.
  On the basis of the experience, the school has set a high teaching standard of teachers and demands them enhance their level.

  All the teachers prepare themselves as those with the level and ability to master not only their major subjects but also adjacent disciplines and other subjects such as maths and foreign language and guide the extracurricular review of the students.
  The school regards the joint review of classes as an important link in the work for improving the qualifications of teachers and intensifies its operation.

  Teachers of the school find out points which can give a help to increasing the practical abilities of the students and make a joint review of them before applying the rational issues to teaching.
  The inspections of classes at work are made in the way of serious discussion and consideration so that they can give a substantial help to improving the qualifications of teachers.
  Recently, more than 10 teachers of the school became model teachers.

  They are devoting their all to training the new generations as wonderful talents to shoulder the future and their efforts will bear a good result.