/ Culture - Education and Public Health
A Versatile Teacher
  Man has the prime of intellectual development at the age of five to six.
  Children at the age are given kindergarten education in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. So the kindergarten education is very important in guaranteeing the sound growth of new generations and the success of the universal 12-year compulsory education.
  Teacher Kim Jong Im at the Kaeson Kindergarten of Moranbong District affiliated to the Pyongyang Teachers Training College played a vanguard role in creating new teaching method combining science and art, computer, robot and English at the kindergarten stage.

  20 years ago she graduated from a college and became a kindergarten teacher. Graduating children one after another, she felt that the education at the kindergarten stage was important yet difficult work.
  She was always conscious that she had to be prepared to take responsibility of and guarantee even the distant future of the children under her charge by renovating the teaching methods and improving her qualifications.
  While sensitively applying the educational policy of the Workers' Party of Korea and making a constant study and analysis of the world trend of educational development, she created and applied methods of intellectual education suited to the ages and mental qualities of the children. In the course, she adopted abacus education and mnemonics education for developing the right brain of children and created a new robot education method and science play education method last year.
  She selects children with outstanding intellectual potentiality and gives them rational and effective intellectual education. Many of her disciples distinguish themselves as reserve talents at the university, senior and junior middle school and primary school stages.
  During vacations, she visited regional and rural kindergartens to teach new educational methods, making a substantial contribution to improving the level of kindergarten education in the regions and the countryside.

  Kim Jong Im was selected as one of the ten best teachers in 2023 as she rendered distinguished services with the conscience of educator, and high instruction ability and qualifications.