/ Culture - Science and Technology
Best Inventor Prize Winner in 2023
Kim In Chol, President of the Pyongyang Medical Appliances Technical Company

Merited Technician and Dr. Kim In Chol, President of the Pyongyang Medical Appliances Technical Company

  Kim In Chol is one of the five persons selected as the best inventors of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in 2023.
  He has made more than 10 valuable inventions up to date since 2018, including the development of homemade delivery monitoring device.
  Three years ago, when the company buckled down to the research and development for the home production of the delivery monitoring device, there were more people who shook their heads than those confident of its success. Because several other units had already got to the research into it before ending in failure due to so many difficult problems.
  However, Kim In Chol pitched into the research unhesitatingly with the consciousness that it is the road to support the noble intention of the Workers' Party of Korea which spares nothing for the improvement of the people's health.
  Though he had no technical documents for reference, necessary materials and accessories and experienced repeated failures, he firmly united the researchers, persistently led the research such as program development, designing and manufacturing, and finally succeeded in it.
  In addition, he perfectly manufactured and introduced a number of modern medical appliances and equipment conducive to the improvement of the people's health and the preventive and curative medical care with his own efforts and technology, making a tangible contribution to strengthening the material and technical foundations of the public health sector.
  It was his goal to produce ours better and more profitable than those of other countries.